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How Homeopathy Changed my Life

Homeopathic remedies and medicines are quite popular these days, but they have been around for longer than you may think. More and more people are becoming aware of the toxins we consume, the side effects of medications and the lasting results it has on our bodies. Speaking from experience, homeopathy changed my life.

PCOS Fighter

I know homeopathy is a controversial topic, but I must say that it has changed my life! 15 years ago, I was diagnosed with an endocrine disorder called PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome. I was immediately prescribed birth control pills to manage my condition and I was told I might never be able to have children. I was devastated!


After years of being on birth control pills, my health took a turn for the worst. I was having stroke-like symptoms, unexplained and debilitating pain, numbness and tingling and several unanswered questions. With no other explanation to give me, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

Toxic-Free Living

I finally realized it was time to get off of birth control and live a more natural, toxic-free life. My health turned around and I felt as though my Fibromyalgia magically disappeared. Oh and did I mention, I was able to conceive three times?!? Talk about the power of health!


So, what am I getting at here? Homeopathic medicine is a way for us all to live a healthier life by managing our symptoms with natural remedies that have been used for thousands of years.

Research also shows that homeopathy really works! Don’t believe me? Check out my favorite and most-trusted brand of homeopathic medicine, Boiron. My entire family uses their products and I love that they offer homeopathic medicines for all ages, including babies 1 month and older.


When I give my children Chestal or Cold Calm, I feel more at ease without having to fear harmful side effects or adverse reactions. My husband loves Nux Vomica for his digestive issues (also great for hangovers!) and my kids and I can’t live without Oscillococcinum during flu season.

Here are my other favorite Boiron products:

Also check out: All Natural Remedies That Really Work!

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