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How to Prevent Mold in Homemade Beauty Products

Here are some ways you can prevent mold growth in homemade beauty recipes without adding chemicals, preservatives or additives. You know me and how I like to make my own all natural beauty products, but nobody wants an all natural product that grows mold.

Have you ever used a sugar scrub or other natural or homemade product that developed mold? While being natural is important to many, mold carries a lot of health risks too.

Every now and then I find that mold will grow in certain homemade beauty products I have made. It can happen when water gets trapped inside or it is exposed to heat. I have had this problem with my homemade baby wipes and sugar scrubs recipe.

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With some research and trial and error, I was able to figure out ways to naturally prevent mold growth without using chemicals or harmful preservatives. Sometimes you do need a preservative though (especially products containing water) and thanks to a reader’s suggestion, this cosmetic preservative is great for homemade beauty products.

I have personally found success with the following ingredients.

Natural Preservatives for Homemade Products:

Apple Cider Vinegar

To prevent mold in homemade beauty recipes, I have learned that vinegar works great! Since Bragg apple cider vinegar is also great for balancing the skin’s pH and smells better than white vinegar, I add about 1 teaspoon to beauty recipes to help prevent mold.

I use Bragg because it is raw, unfiltered and contains the mother enzyme, making it as pure as it comes. It is antiseptic, helping combat viruses and yeast. I love using Bragg apple cider vinegar in my homemade facial toner too!

Rosemary Oil Extract

Rosemary oil extract is high in antioxidants, antimicrobial and a popular choice in many natural beauty and wellness products. I absolutely love rosemary and the scent is uplifting and refreshing.

Rosemary works well in body scrubs, lip balms, hair care products and even cleaning products.


Salt is used to preserve many meats and fish, but it may also benefit homemade products such as a salt scrub. Salt can prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast and mold.

There are many different types of salt but I like Pink Himalayan salt due to its nutrients, minerals and other health benefits.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract is antioxidant rich, antimicrobial and antibacterial. The smell is amazing too, so it is definitely a complimentary addition to your homemade products.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E oil might slow down the growth of bacteria, making it harder for mold to grow. It is also antioxidant rich and great for the skin.

How to prevent mold in homemade beauty recipes:

Use The Right Water

It is also important to make sure that any recipes requiring water that you are using distilled or boiled water. Tap water is not the best water to use.

We have a reverse osmosis system on our tap, so that we have quality water on tap at all times. 

Sterile Environment

Be sure to make your products in a sterile environment with proper handling tools, gloves and clean containers and surfaces. This is especially important if you sell your products. Avoid cross-contamination as much as possible.

Make Small Batches

If you make your products in smaller batches, you will likely use it up quicker, allowing less time for bacteria and mold to grow.

Store It Correctly

Make sure you do not get moisture trapped inside containers or jars of homemade or natural products, especially tap water or hard water from your shower or sink. This can definitely cause mold to grow, especially in a closed container in a warm place.

If it is a product you hardly use, it might be best to let it air out before storing it away until next time. 

When it comes to mold on household surfaces, here are some ways to get rid of mold naturally without using chemicals like bleach.

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